aqarentment le massage de bienvenue de 20 minute n,a pas ete precise aux hotel horse c,est stipule dans notre contract de voyages .merci de vous reseigner avec voyage prive et privent komodo et canggu.
aqarentment 20 minute welcome massage n, was not precise at the hotel horse c, is stipulated in our contract of travel .merci you instructing with voyage prive and deprive komodo and canggu.
aqarentment massage welcome 20 minutes n, has not been made clear to the horse hotel c, is stipulated in our contract of .merci Travel reseigner with private travel and deprive komodo and Canggu.
The aqarentment welcome massage 20 minute n,has not been clarified to the hotel horse c,is stipulated in our contract of travel .thank you reseigner with private trip and deprive komodo and Canggu.