Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
To state in what manner the Judgment of November 20th, 1950, shall be executedby Colombia and Peru, and furthermore, to adjudge and declare that Colombia isnot bound, in execution of the said Judgment of November 20th, 1950, to deliverM. Victor Raul Haya de la Torre to the Peruvian authorities.In the event of the Court not delivering judgment on the foregoing Submission,may it please the Court to adjudge and declare, in the exercise of its ordinarycompetence, that Colombia is not bound to deliver the politically accused M.Victor Raul Haya de la Torre to the Peruvian authorities.‘On behalf of the Government of Peru (Submissions in the Counter-Memorial):‘May it please the Court,I. To state in what manner the Judgment of November 20th, 1950, shall be executedby Colombia;II. To dismiss the Submissions of Colombia by which the Court is asked to statesolely [‘sans plus‘] that Colombia is not bound to deliver Victor Raul Haya dela Torre to the Peruvian authorities;III. In the event of the Court not delivering judgment on Submission No. 1, toadjudge and declare that the asylum granted to Senor Victor Raul Haya de laTorre on January 3rd, 1949, and maintained since that date, having been judgedto be contrary to Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Havana Convention of 1928,ought to have ceased immediately after the delivery of the Judgment of November20th, 1950, and must in any case cease forthwith in order that Peruvian justicemay resume its normal course which has been suspended.‘*76 In the course of his oral statement on May 16th, 1951, the Agent of the Governmentof Colombia re-stated the Submissions of the Memorial with the followingaddition relating to the Submissions of the Counter-Memorial of Peru:‘To state in what manner the Judgment of November 20th, 1950, shall be executedby Colombia, when stating, in accordance with the first point of our principalclaim, 'in what manner the Judgment of November 20th, 1950, shall be executedby Colombia and Peru’;On Submission II of the same Counter-Memorial: To reject it;And, should occasion arise, to reject Submission III of the said Counter-Memorial.‘On the other hand, Counsel for the Government of Peru requested the Court to decidein its favour upon the Submissions set out in its Counter-Memorial.Finally, the Agent of the Government of Cuba presented her Government's interpretationof the Havana Convention so far as concerns the surrender of therefugee to the Peruvian authorities.* * *The Government of Cuba, availing itself of the right which Article 63 of the Statuteof the Court confers on States parties to a convention, filed a Declaration ofIntervention with the Registry on March 13th, 1951, and attached thereto a Memorandumin which it stated its views in regard to the interpretation of the Havana1951 I.C.J. 71, 1951 WL 4 (I.C.J.) Page 5©
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