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Exodia Enter the following password

Enter the following passwords:
Head: 33396948
Right Leg: 08124921
Left Leg: 44519536
Left Arm: 07902349
Right Arm: 70902349

To make twin headed thunder dragon.
Dragon + Thunder
Zombie + Thunder
Or the long way
Dragon + Plant + Thunder
Submitted by Michael

Good Cards
If u beat the mage soldier he can give u good cards like battle ox!!!!
Submitted by Luke S

Summoned Skull 4500ATK
Fuse time wizard and embryonic beast to make summoned skull now to make its ATK 4500 you play Yami on the field then play beast fangs, sword of dark destruction and black pendant to destroy HI mountain images black skull dragon.
Submitted by Ryan Darby Charlton

Unlock every code
Unlock every code for nothing no need to exchange starchips enter:57893461.
Submitted by Nathan

Some Fusions
Red Eyes B. Dragon + Summoned Skull=B. Skull Dragon
Red Eyes B. Dragon + Meteor Dragon=Meteor B. Dragon
Air Mourmount of Neoforiess + Fire Reaper=Flame Cerberus.
Submitted by Jon Williams

Red Eyes B. Dragon
Defeat Joey (Jono) 2nd 50 times in Free Duel to get this rare card.
Submitted by Jon Williams

Enter "92445276" as a password. Note: This is one of the codes that are revealed when the game is completed.

Description: Yami + Yami= Dark energy.
Submitted by Burt Kevin Molina

Dragon Zombie + Thunder type + dragons treasure= Twin Headed Thunder Dragon 3300atk!!.
Submitted by Burt Kevin Molina

Good cards and Fusions
I have two things. The first is elaborating on something already there.

Final Flame-200 LP
To make Final Flame u fuse Hinotama X2. Submitted by Ryan Darby Charlton

The meadow mage is definitely the best place to get good cards when you're not that good. I got several good cards after just 50 fights: 3 dark magicians, skull knight, Gaia the fierce Knight, swordsman of tradition. I got a few more, but you probably don't care.
If you're having trouble beating him, use fusions, especially if you bring out a strong card fast, he often uses sogen, so you get a free hit on his LP!
Submitted by laxallday14

Ritual Numbers
Dark Magic Ritual 645
Curse of Millennium Shield 665
Yamadron Ritual 666
Gate Guardian Ritual 667
Black Luster Ritual 670
Zera Ritual 671
Submitted by Bryan Harris

Heishin and Heishin 2nd
When you beat the game, you will start back at the beginning with the deck that you used to beat nightmare.
when you get to heishin, beat him and the computer will force him to duel you until you lose. however, if you beat him a lot, he will give you great cards, like: Meteor B. Dragon, Machine King,Crimson sunbird,Soul hunter, and more good cards. the best way to get good cards is to make heishin have only 600,700,or 800 life points left, then attack his life points with Meteor B. Dragon.
Also when you beat heishin 2nd in story mode, go to free duel and beat him a lot. sometimes he will give you Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon!!!
Submitted by James

Its hard to beat anyone without fusions, here are a couple that have helped me.
Twin headed Thunder Dragon-SO MANY THINGS CAN MAKE THIS! Here are examples, and also just the types
dragon + plant=(Black D. Jungle King) + thunder type=THTD

Basically, the way it works is this:
you need a dragon with 1600 atk or more, and electricity. If you have a thunder dragon, which is 1600 atk and thunder type, just add EITHER a dragon or a thunder type. dragon + thunder + dragon works too, also dragon + metal + thunder, also dragon + thunder + thunder. Also swordsman (with atk under 1600)+dragon(=sword arm of dragon) + thunder all of these work, and there are more. especially if you equip dragon's treasure or have a helpful landscape (umi and mountain) this thing is 3300 atk! its regularly 2800atk . If you're fighting the meadow mage, there are a few things to look out for.

These are: Judge Man-when sogen is the landscape, he has 2700 atk, THTD (twin headed thunder dragon) is sometimes weak against him withg the guarding planets. USE PLUTO, NOT MOON AGAINST THE MEADOW MAGE!

Millenium Shield-With sogen on, this theing has 3500 def! it is almost always mars as defending planet, which, happens to be the planet that is strong against pluto. You're safer going pluto with THTD since you wont die, but if there is a face-down mars planet card in def, DONT ATTACK IT! Wait until you get a raegiki (did i spell that right) or set up mountain or umi. then fuse a THTD to annihilate it! (with mountain or umi, THTD has 3300 atk, without sogen, millennium shield has 3000 def, as long as you're on moon for this one, you can take it!) Ok, I'm done. hope this helps. By the way...if you want a dragon deck mainly, and you have the dragons...consider saving up for dragon's treasure. I'm really done now. Submitted by laxallday14

Enter "25774450" as a password. Note: This is one of the codes that are revealed when the game is completed.

Fashioning meteor b. dragon
To fashion meteor b. dragon you will need three salamander, three beast fang, three megamorph, three dragon treasure and one mountain then it will be more than 9999 attack and def. Submitted by Bulky

You can get left arm of the forbidden one when you fight Judo Second and the Meteor B. Dragon also you can get Red eyes black dragon in 50 or 60. Submitted by Al-raise

Monster Fusion
Petit dragon + any flower or plant = Black Dragon Jungle King (2100 attack 1800 defense)

To defeat seto third
To defeat seto third you must have Meteor B. Dragon also you must have three Salamandra, three Dragon treasure and one Mountain then combined them to Meteor B. Dragon the attack of you Meteor B. Dragon is 6000 but be careful he have Shadow spell this will decrease your attack and defense by 1000 and he also have Blue-eyes ultimate dragon (4500/3800). Submitted by Yasmine

Meadow Mage Gives Good Cards
The meadow mage gives very good cards like Meteor B. Dragon , Blue eyes white dragon, Skull knight, Dark magician, gaia the fierce knight , and B. Skull dragon, if you can beat him enough times and get good ranks. It may take a lot of times before getting any of the rare cards but is very easy if you use THTDs (twin headed thunder dragon) to win your duels. Submitted by Ron C

Description: here are a few fusions is napped together in bout first 60mins of playing this:

fairy (elf) + warrior + pyro = flame swordsman(1800att)(1600def)(sumtimes doesn't work, dunno why)
fairy (elf) + warrior = celtic guardian(1400att)(1200def) or minomushi warrior(1300att)(1200def)(depends on which warrior and fairy you use)
female + rock = mystical sand(2100att)(1700def)
female + plant = queen of autumn leaves(1800att)(1600def)
machine + beast = giga-tech wolf(1200att)(1400def)
dragon + zombie = dragon zombie(1600att)(0def)
dragon statue + zombie = dragon zombie (1600att)(0def)
warrior + rock = minomushi warrior(1300att)(1200def)
milus radiant + plant = flower wolf(1800att)(1600def)
dragon statue + rock = stone D.(2000att)(2300def)
warrior + plant = bean soldier(1400att)(1200def)
machine + warrior = cyber soldier(1500att)(1700def) Submitted by Adam

Fight Yugi's Grandpa
Put in 654377205 as password

Fighting Simon Muran
At the beginning of the game, Simon talks to you. You will have options to listen or run away. This is what he will do on each condition:
Run Away: When you return, you will go straight to your room.
Listen, Run Away: When you return, you will have a chance to duel with Simon Muran.
Listen, Listen, Run Away: When you return, you will go straight to your room.
Listen, Listen, Listen: You will go straight to your room. Easy Starchips
Defeat Teana and Jono in campaign mode, then go to free duel. Keep challenging Teana or Jono for easy starchips.

Passing the labyrinth
After you win, go right, right, left, right. Then, you save Tea and fight two opponents before Keishin. Then Seto appears and the end is Darknite.

Combo 4 twin headed thunder dragon at 2800! crawling dragon#2 +mega thunder ball

Get everything without starship. Submitted by Jaden: visakan100@xxxxxx

These are fusions:
wicked dragon of the east+ kuriboh = koumori dragon
dharma cannon + yama fano dragon scroll = melt dragon
weather control + vishwar randi = dark witch. Submitted by Willmer

Fight bandit Keith and wait until you win goes away but don't price anything thou. It works on anyone. But I prefer you do this to bandit Keith, because my 2nd time I fought bandit Keith and won and did this I got the right arm of the forbidden one. Submitted by Josh

3D Battle Arena
Press X on one of your monsters, then press Square instead of using X to attack again

Always try to beat different duelist in free mode a lot so you could get legendary cards. Submitted by Franklin

To Start Off With Strong Cards Enter Your Name As YuGiOh Or Konami And You Will Start Off With Cards Like Water Magician (1400/1200) Or Koumori Dragon(1500/1200) Good Luck. Submitted by DUELMONSTERKID

Beat Sea High Mage to get Labryith Wall. Submitted by Vishaal Prasad

Fight rare hunters
Type in the password: 12345678. Submitted by Vishaal Prasad

Description: hi, now I bet u that at least one of u people are stuck on this game well I'll give you some hints, if you don't want game shark:
I got gate guardian from high meadow magetwin headed thunder dragon from labyrinth mage (remember, play the labyrinth mage until he gives you thunder dragon, after that 3 duels later he will give you twin headed thunder dragon. And METEOR BLACK DRAGON!!! (finally!!) from joy, after he gives you red eyes 2 X's. Submitted by Raisul

Ok, here are some of the best cards everybody gives...

Simon Muran-Mystical Elf, Celtic Guardian
Teana 1st-???
Villager1-Some Good Magic
Villager2-Mammoth Graveyard,Twin-Headed King Rex, Celtic Guardian, Mystical Elf
Villager3-Zombie Dragon
Jono 1st-Baby Dragon, Time Wizard
Seto 1st-???
Heishin 1st-Gate Guardian Pieces, Skull Knight,2000-2200ATK monsters
Rex Raptor-Twin Heaed Kin
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Exodia Masukkan password berikut: Kepala: 33396948 Kaki kanan: 08124921 Kaki kiri: 44519536 Lengan kiri: 07902349 Lengan kanan: 70902349Untuk membuat kembar menuju thunder naga. Naga + ThunderZombie + ThunderAtau jalan panjangNaga tanaman + Thunder Dikirimkan oleh MichaelKartu yang baikJika Anda mengalahkan tentara mage ia dapat memberikan u kartu yang baik seperti pertempuran sapi!Dikirim oleh Lukas SMemanggil tengkorak 4500ATKSekering waktu wizard dan embrio binatang untuk membuat memanggil tengkorak sekarang membuat 4500 ATK yang Anda bermain Yami di lapangan kemudian bermain taring binatang, pedang kehancuran gelap dan hitam selama untuk menghancurkan HI Gunung gambar hitam tengkorak naga.Dikirimkan oleh Ryan Darby CharltonMembuka kode setiap Membuka setiap kode untuk apa-apa no. perlu pertukaran starchips masukkan: 57893461. Dikirimkan oleh NathanPenggabungan beberapa Red mata B. Dragon + memanggil tengkorak = B. tengkorak nagaRed mata B. Dragon + Meteor Dragon = naga B. MeteorUdara Mourmount Neoforiess + Reaper api = api Cerberus. Disampaikan oleh Jon WilliamsMata merah B. Dragon Mengalahkan Joey (Jono) 2 50 kali dalam Duel gratis untuk mendapatkan kartu langka ini. Disampaikan oleh Jon WilliamsUnknown Masukkan "92445276" sebagai password. Catatan: Ini adalah salah satu kode yang dibuka ketika permainan selesai.PenyamaranKeterangan: Yami + Yami = energi gelap. Dikirimkan oleh Burt Kevin MolinaPenyamaranJenis naga Zombie Thunder + Dragon harta karun = 3300atk Twin menuju Thunder naga! Dikirimkan oleh Burt Kevin MolinaKartu yang baik dan merger Aku punya dua hal. Yang pertama adalah menguraikan pada sesuatu yang sudah ada.Akhir LP api-200Membuat u akhir api sekering Hinotama X 2. Dikirimkan oleh Ryan Darby CharltonMage meadow jelas merupakan tempat terbaik untuk mendapatkan kartu yang baik ketika Anda tidak baik. Aku punya beberapa kartu yang baik setelah perkelahian hanya 50: 3 penyihir gelap, ksatria tengkorak, Gaia Knight sengit, pendekar tradisi. Aku punya beberapa lagi, tapi Anda mungkin tidak peduli. Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan memukul dia, menggunakan merger, terutama jika Anda mengeluarkan kartu yang kuat cepat, ia sering menggunakan sogen, sehingga Anda mendapatkan hit gratis pada LP nya! Dikirimkan oleh laxallday14Ritual nomor Dark Ritual sihir 645 Kutukan dari Millennium perisai 665 Yamadron Ritual 666 Gerbang Guardian Ritual 667 Hitam berkilau Ritual 670 Zera Ritual 671 Dikirimkan oleh Bryan HarrisHeishin dan Heishin 2Ketika Anda mengalahkan permainan, Anda akan mulai kembali pada awal dengan geladak yang digunakan untuk mengalahkan mimpi buruk.Ketika Anda mendapatkan ke heishin, memukulnya dan komputer akan memaksa dia untuk duel Anda sampai Anda kehilangan. Namun, jika Anda mengalahkan dia banyak, dia akan memberikan kartu besar, seperti: Meteor B. naga, raja mesin, Sepah, pemburu jiwa, dan kartu yang lebih baik. cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan kartu yang baik adalah untuk membuat heishin memiliki hanya 600,700, atau 800 kehidupan poin kiri, kemudian menyerang nya kehidupan poin dengan Meteor B. naga.Juga ketika Anda mengalahkan heishin 2 dalam modus cerita, pergi ke bebas duel dan mengalahkan dia banyak. Kadang-kadang ia akan memberimu Twin - dipimpin Thunder naga! Dikirimkan oleh JamesMerger: Yang sulit untuk mengalahkan siapa pun tanpa merger, berikut adalah beberapa yang telah membantu saya.Kembar menuju naga Thunder - begitu banyak hal yang dapat membuat ini! Berikut adalah contoh, dan juga hanya jenis Naga + tanaman = (hitam D. hutan raja) + thunder type = THTDPada dasarnya, cara kerjanya adalah ini: Anda perlu naga dengan 1600 atk lebih banyak emas dan listrik. Jika Anda mempunyai seekor naga Guntur, yang merupakan jenis atk dan thunder 1600, tambahkan saja baik naga atau sejenis Guntur. Naga thunder + naga bekerja terlalu, juga naga + logam Guntur, juga naga + thunder thunder. Juga swordsman (dengan atk di bawah 1600) + dragon (= lengan pedang naga) + guruh semua tesis bekerja dan ada lebih. terutama jika Anda melengkapi naga harta atau memiliki pemandangan yang berguna (umi dan Gunung) hal ini adalah 3300 atk! yang 2800atk secara teratur. Jika Anda bertempur meadow mage, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diwaspadai.Ini adalah: hakim Man-ketika sogen lanskap, ia memiliki 2700 atk, THTD (kembar menuju thunder naga) kadang-kadang lemah terhadap dirinya withg planet penjaga. GUNAKAN PLUTO, TIDAK BULAN TERHADAP MEADOW MAGE!Milenium Shield-dengan sogen pada, theing ini memiliki 3500 def! Hampir selalu Maret sebagai membela planet, yang kebetulan menjadi planet yang kuat terhadap pluto. Kau aman akan pluto, dengan THTD karena Anda tidak akan mati, tetapi jika ada kartu planet Maret wajah-down di def, yang menyerang! Tunggu sampai Anda mendapatkan raegiki (menurut saya mengeja benar) atau mengatur gunung atau umi. kemudian sekering THTD untuk membinasakan itu! (dengan gunung atau umi, THTD memiliki 3300 atk, tanpa sogen, Milenium shield memiliki 3000 def, selama Anda berada di bulan untuk yang satu ini, Anda dapat mengambil itu!) OK, aku sudah selesai. Semoga ini bisa membantu. Omong-omong... jika Anda ingin sebuah dek naga terutama, dan Anda memiliki naga... mempertimbangkan menabung untuk harta naga. Aku benar-benar selesai sekarang. Dikirimkan oleh laxallday14Unknown Masukkan "25774450" sebagai password. Catatan: Ini adalah salah satu kode yang dibuka ketika permainan selesai.Penciptaan meteor b. nagaUntuk mode meteor b. naga Anda akan perlu tiga salamander, tiga binatang, megamorph tiga, tiga naga harta dan satu gunung maka itu akan menjadi fang lebih 9999 serangan dan def. Dikirimkan oleh besarUnknownVous pouvez obtenir lengan kiri yang terlarang ketika Anda melawan Judo kedua dan Meteor B. naga aussi vous pouvez obtenir mata merah hitam naga dalam 50 atau 60. Dikirimkan oleh Al-menaikkanRakasa FusionNaga kecil + setiap bunga atau tanaman = Black Dragon hutan raja (2100 serangan 1800 pertahanan)Untuk mengalahkan seto ketigaUntuk mengalahkan seto ketiga Anda harus memiliki Meteor B. naga juga Anda harus memiliki tiga Salamandra, tiga naga harta dan satu gunung kemudian dikombinasikan serangan Anda Meteor B. naga Meteor B. naga adalah 6000 tapi hati-hati ia memiliki bayangan mantra ini akan menurunkan Anda serangan dan pertahanan dengan 1000 dan dia juga memiliki mata biru naga utama (4500/3800). Dikirimkan oleh YasmineMeadow Mage memberikan kartu yang baik Meadow mage memberikan kartu yang sangat baik seperti Meteor B. naga, mata biru putih naga, ksatria tengkorak, penyihir gelap, gaia knight sengit, dan naga B. tengkorak, jika Anda dapat mengalahkan dia cukup kali dan mendapatkan peringkat yang baik. Mungkin butuh banyak kali sebelum mendapatkan salah satu tujuan langka kartu sangat mudah jika Anda menggunakan THTDs (kembar menuju thunder naga) untuk memenangkan duel Anda. Dikirim oleh Ron CCrayonKingDeskripsi: Berikut adalah beberapa merger napped di 60mins setidaknya pertama bersama akhir bermain ini:peri (elf) prajurit + pyro = api pendekar pedang (1800att) (1600def) (sumtimes tidak bekerja, tidak tahu kenapa) peri (elf) + prajurit = celtic wali (1400att) (1200def) emas prajurit minomushi (1300att) (1200def) (tergantung pada prajurit dan peri yang Anda gunakan) Perempuan + rock = mistik pasir (2100att) (1700def) Laki-laki + tanaman = Ratu daun musim gugur (1800att) (1600def) Mesin + binatang = giga-tech wolf (1200att) (1400def) Dragon + zombie = naga zombie (1600att) (0def) Patung naga + zombie = naga zombie (1600att) (0def) Prajurit + batu = minomushi warrior (1300att) (1200def) Milus radiant + tanaman = serigala bunga (1800att) (1600def) Patung naga + batu = batu d. (2000att) (2300def) Prajurit + tanaman = prajurit kacang (1400att) (1200def) Mesin + prajurit = cyber prajurit (1500att) (1700def) dikirim oleh AdamKakek berjuang Yugi Dimasukkan ke dalam 654377205 sebagai passwordPertempuran Simon Muran Pada awal permainan, Simon berbicara kepada Anda. Anda akan memiliki pilihan untuk mendengarkan atau melarikan diri. Ini adalah apa yang akan dilakukannya pada setiap kondisi: Menjalankan Away: Ketika Anda kembali, Anda akan pergi langsung ke kamar Anda. Mendengarkan, menjalankan Away: Ketika Anda kembali, Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk duel dengan Simon Muran. Dengar, dengar, menjalankan Away: Ketika Anda kembali, Anda akan pergi langsung ke kamar Anda. Dengar, dengar, dengar: Anda akan pergi langsung ke kamar Anda. Mudah Starchips Mengalahkan Teana dan Jono dalam kampanye mode, kemudian pergi ke duel gratis. Tetap menantang Jono Teana emas untuk mudah starchips.Melewati labirinSetelah Anda menang, pergi kanan, kanan, kiri, kanan. Kemudian, Anda menghemat teh dan melawan dua lawan sebelum Keishin. Kemudian Seto muncul dan akhir Darknite.PetunjukCombo 4 kembar menuju thunder naga 2800 di! merangkak naga #2 + mega Guntur ball829404857Mendapatkan segala sesuatu tanpa starship. Dikirimkan oleh Jaden: visakan100@xxxxxxIni adalah penggabungan: Jahat naga Timur + kuriboh = koumori naga Dharma meriam + yama gulir naganya fano = meleleh nagaCuaca control + vishwar randi = penyihir gelap. Dikirimkan oleh WillmerPetunjuk Melawan bandit Keith dan menunggu sampai Anda menang pergi tetapi tidak harga apa pun engkau. Ia bekerja pada siapa pun. Tapi aku lebih suka Anda melakukannya untuk bandit Keith, karena saya 2 kali saya berjuang bandit Keith dan memenangkan dan melakukan ini aku punya lengan kanan yang terlarang. Dikirimkan oleh JoshArena pertempuran 3DTekan X pada salah satu monster Anda, lalu tekan Square daripada menggunakan X lagi menyerangPetunjuk Selalu mencoba untuk mengalahkan duelist berbeda dalam modus bebas banyak sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan kartu legendaris. Dikirimkan oleh FranklinPetunjuk Untuk memulai dengan kartu kuat masukkan nama Anda sebagai YuGiOh emas Konami dan Anda akan mulai Off dengan kartu seperti air penyihir (1400/1200) emas Koumori naga (1500/1200) Good Luck. Dikirimkan oleh DUELMONSTERKIDPetunjuk Mengalahkan Mage tinggi laut untuk mendapatkan dinding Labryith. Dikirimkan oleh Vishaal PrasadMelawan pemburu langka Ketik password: 12345678. Dikirimkan oleh Vishaal Prasad888Keterangan: hi, sekarang aku bertaruh u bahwa setidaknya salah satu dari kalian orang-orang terjebak pada permainan ini baik saya akan memberikan beberapa petunjuk, jika Anda don' t ingin permainan hiu:Aku punya gerbang wali dari padang rumput tinggi magetwin menuju thunder naga dari labirin mage (ingat, bermain labirin mage sampai ia memberikan guruh naga, setelah perkelahian itu 3 kemudian ia akan memberikan Anda kembar menuju naga thunder.) Dan naga METEOR hitam! (akhirnya!) dari kegembiraan, setelah dia memberi Anda merah mata 2 x Dikirimkan oleh RaisulKARTU LANGKAOK, berikut adalah beberapa kartu terbaik semua orang memberikan...Simon Muran-mistik Elf, Celtic waliTeana 1-?Villager1-sihir yang baikVillager2-Mammoth kuburan, berkepala Twin raja Rex, Celtic Guardian, mistik ElfVillager3-Zombie nagaJono 1 st-bayi naga, waktu WizardSeto 1st-?Heishin 1 st-Gate Guardian bagian, ksatria tengkorak, 2000-2200ATK monsterRex kembar-Raptor Heaed Kin
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Enter the following passwords:
Head: 33396948
Right Leg: 08124921
Left Leg: 44519536
Left Arm: 07902349
Right Arm: 70902349

To make twin headed thunder dragon.
Dragon + Thunder
Zombie + Thunder
Or the long way
Dragon + Plant + Thunder
Submitted by Michael

Good Cards
If u beat the mage soldier he can give u good cards like battle ox!!!!
Submitted by Luke S

Summoned Skull 4500ATK
Fuse time wizard and embryonic beast to make summoned skull now to make its ATK 4500 you play Yami on the field then play beast fangs, sword of dark destruction and black pendant to destroy HI mountain images black skull dragon.
Submitted by Ryan Darby Charlton

Unlock every code
Unlock every code for nothing no need to exchange starchips enter:57893461.
Submitted by Nathan

Some Fusions
Red Eyes B. Dragon + Summoned Skull=B. Skull Dragon
Red Eyes B. Dragon + Meteor Dragon=Meteor B. Dragon
Air Mourmount of Neoforiess + Fire Reaper=Flame Cerberus.
Submitted by Jon Williams

Red Eyes B. Dragon
Defeat Joey (Jono) 2nd 50 times in Free Duel to get this rare card.
Submitted by Jon Williams

Enter "92445276" as a password. Note: This is one of the codes that are revealed when the game is completed.

Description: Yami + Yami= Dark energy.
Submitted by Burt Kevin Molina

Dragon Zombie + Thunder type + dragons treasure= Twin Headed Thunder Dragon 3300atk!!.
Submitted by Burt Kevin Molina

Good cards and Fusions
I have two things. The first is elaborating on something already there.

Final Flame-200 LP
To make Final Flame u fuse Hinotama X2. Submitted by Ryan Darby Charlton

The meadow mage is definitely the best place to get good cards when you're not that good. I got several good cards after just 50 fights: 3 dark magicians, skull knight, Gaia the fierce Knight, swordsman of tradition. I got a few more, but you probably don't care.
If you're having trouble beating him, use fusions, especially if you bring out a strong card fast, he often uses sogen, so you get a free hit on his LP!
Submitted by laxallday14

Ritual Numbers
Dark Magic Ritual 645
Curse of Millennium Shield 665
Yamadron Ritual 666
Gate Guardian Ritual 667
Black Luster Ritual 670
Zera Ritual 671
Submitted by Bryan Harris

Heishin and Heishin 2nd
When you beat the game, you will start back at the beginning with the deck that you used to beat nightmare.
when you get to heishin, beat him and the computer will force him to duel you until you lose. however, if you beat him a lot, he will give you great cards, like: Meteor B. Dragon, Machine King,Crimson sunbird,Soul hunter, and more good cards. the best way to get good cards is to make heishin have only 600,700,or 800 life points left, then attack his life points with Meteor B. Dragon.
Also when you beat heishin 2nd in story mode, go to free duel and beat him a lot. sometimes he will give you Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon!!!
Submitted by James

Its hard to beat anyone without fusions, here are a couple that have helped me.
Twin headed Thunder Dragon-SO MANY THINGS CAN MAKE THIS! Here are examples, and also just the types
dragon + plant=(Black D. Jungle King) + thunder type=THTD

Basically, the way it works is this:
you need a dragon with 1600 atk or more, and electricity. If you have a thunder dragon, which is 1600 atk and thunder type, just add EITHER a dragon or a thunder type. dragon + thunder + dragon works too, also dragon + metal + thunder, also dragon + thunder + thunder. Also swordsman (with atk under 1600)+dragon(=sword arm of dragon) + thunder all of these work, and there are more. especially if you equip dragon's treasure or have a helpful landscape (umi and mountain) this thing is 3300 atk! its regularly 2800atk . If you're fighting the meadow mage, there are a few things to look out for.

These are: Judge Man-when sogen is the landscape, he has 2700 atk, THTD (twin headed thunder dragon) is sometimes weak against him withg the guarding planets. USE PLUTO, NOT MOON AGAINST THE MEADOW MAGE!

Millenium Shield-With sogen on, this theing has 3500 def! it is almost always mars as defending planet, which, happens to be the planet that is strong against pluto. You're safer going pluto with THTD since you wont die, but if there is a face-down mars planet card in def, DONT ATTACK IT! Wait until you get a raegiki (did i spell that right) or set up mountain or umi. then fuse a THTD to annihilate it! (with mountain or umi, THTD has 3300 atk, without sogen, millennium shield has 3000 def, as long as you're on moon for this one, you can take it!) Ok, I'm done. hope this helps. By the way...if you want a dragon deck mainly, and you have the dragons...consider saving up for dragon's treasure. I'm really done now. Submitted by laxallday14

Enter "25774450" as a password. Note: This is one of the codes that are revealed when the game is completed.

Fashioning meteor b. dragon
To fashion meteor b. dragon you will need three salamander, three beast fang, three megamorph, three dragon treasure and one mountain then it will be more than 9999 attack and def. Submitted by Bulky

You can get left arm of the forbidden one when you fight Judo Second and the Meteor B. Dragon also you can get Red eyes black dragon in 50 or 60. Submitted by Al-raise

Monster Fusion
Petit dragon + any flower or plant = Black Dragon Jungle King (2100 attack 1800 defense)

To defeat seto third
To defeat seto third you must have Meteor B. Dragon also you must have three Salamandra, three Dragon treasure and one Mountain then combined them to Meteor B. Dragon the attack of you Meteor B. Dragon is 6000 but be careful he have Shadow spell this will decrease your attack and defense by 1000 and he also have Blue-eyes ultimate dragon (4500/3800). Submitted by Yasmine

Meadow Mage Gives Good Cards
The meadow mage gives very good cards like Meteor B. Dragon , Blue eyes white dragon, Skull knight, Dark magician, gaia the fierce knight , and B. Skull dragon, if you can beat him enough times and get good ranks. It may take a lot of times before getting any of the rare cards but is very easy if you use THTDs (twin headed thunder dragon) to win your duels. Submitted by Ron C

Description: here are a few fusions is napped together in bout first 60mins of playing this:

fairy (elf) + warrior + pyro = flame swordsman(1800att)(1600def)(sumtimes doesn't work, dunno why)
fairy (elf) + warrior = celtic guardian(1400att)(1200def) or minomushi warrior(1300att)(1200def)(depends on which warrior and fairy you use)
female + rock = mystical sand(2100att)(1700def)
female + plant = queen of autumn leaves(1800att)(1600def)
machine + beast = giga-tech wolf(1200att)(1400def)
dragon + zombie = dragon zombie(1600att)(0def)
dragon statue + zombie = dragon zombie (1600att)(0def)
warrior + rock = minomushi warrior(1300att)(1200def)
milus radiant + plant = flower wolf(1800att)(1600def)
dragon statue + rock = stone D.(2000att)(2300def)
warrior + plant = bean soldier(1400att)(1200def)
machine + warrior = cyber soldier(1500att)(1700def) Submitted by Adam

Fight Yugi's Grandpa
Put in 654377205 as password

Fighting Simon Muran
At the beginning of the game, Simon talks to you. You will have options to listen or run away. This is what he will do on each condition:
Run Away: When you return, you will go straight to your room.
Listen, Run Away: When you return, you will have a chance to duel with Simon Muran.
Listen, Listen, Run Away: When you return, you will go straight to your room.
Listen, Listen, Listen: You will go straight to your room. Easy Starchips
Defeat Teana and Jono in campaign mode, then go to free duel. Keep challenging Teana or Jono for easy starchips.

Passing the labyrinth
After you win, go right, right, left, right. Then, you save Tea and fight two opponents before Keishin. Then Seto appears and the end is Darknite.

Combo 4 twin headed thunder dragon at 2800! crawling dragon#2 +mega thunder ball

Get everything without starship. Submitted by Jaden: visakan100@xxxxxx

These are fusions:
wicked dragon of the east+ kuriboh = koumori dragon
dharma cannon + yama fano dragon scroll = melt dragon
weather control + vishwar randi = dark witch. Submitted by Willmer

Fight bandit Keith and wait until you win goes away but don't price anything thou. It works on anyone. But I prefer you do this to bandit Keith, because my 2nd time I fought bandit Keith and won and did this I got the right arm of the forbidden one. Submitted by Josh

3D Battle Arena
Press X on one of your monsters, then press Square instead of using X to attack again

Always try to beat different duelist in free mode a lot so you could get legendary cards. Submitted by Franklin

To Start Off With Strong Cards Enter Your Name As YuGiOh Or Konami And You Will Start Off With Cards Like Water Magician (1400/1200) Or Koumori Dragon(1500/1200) Good Luck. Submitted by DUELMONSTERKID

Beat Sea High Mage to get Labryith Wall. Submitted by Vishaal Prasad

Fight rare hunters
Type in the password: 12345678. Submitted by Vishaal Prasad

Description: hi, now I bet u that at least one of u people are stuck on this game well I'll give you some hints, if you don't want game shark:
I got gate guardian from high meadow magetwin headed thunder dragon from labyrinth mage (remember, play the labyrinth mage until he gives you thunder dragon, after that 3 duels later he will give you twin headed thunder dragon. And METEOR BLACK DRAGON!!! (finally!!) from joy, after he gives you red eyes 2 X's. Submitted by Raisul

Ok, here are some of the best cards everybody gives...

Simon Muran-Mystical Elf, Celtic Guardian
Teana 1st-???
Villager1-Some Good Magic
Villager2-Mammoth Graveyard,Twin-Headed King Rex, Celtic Guardian, Mystical Elf
Villager3-Zombie Dragon
Jono 1st-Baby Dragon, Time Wizard
Seto 1st-???
Heishin 1st-Gate Guardian Pieces, Skull Knight,2000-2200ATK monsters
Rex Raptor-Twin Heaed Kin
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