J'ai ri, j'ai pleuré… une simplicité incroyable qui se confirme ici. Un passage du clip que je pense avoir compris… en ce jour d'orage, les larmes aux yeux, je dis que ce clip est le plus beau que j'ai jamais vu.
I laughed, I cried... incredibly simple that is confirmed here. A passage from the clip that I think I understand... in this stormy day, tears in the eyes, I say that this clip is the most beautiful I've ever seen.
I laughed, I cried ... incredible simplicity that is confirmed here. A passage in the clip I think I understand ... in this stormy day, tears in his eyes, I say that this video is the most beautiful I've ever seen.
i laughed, i cried, that is incredibly simple. a portion of the clip that i think i"ve got... this thunderstorm, with tears in his eyes, i say that this music is the most beautiful i"ve ever seen.