Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
COLBERT, Jean-Baptiste (1619-83). Seorang negarawan Perancis, Menteri Keuangan di bawah Louis XIV. Ia dilahirkan di Rheims, Aug. 29, 1619, dan disajikan magang di toko gorden wol. Dia kemudian pergi ke Paris dan segera memperoleh posisi di kantor perang, mana aktivitas tak kenal lelah membawanya ke pemberitahuan. Ia adalah Sekretaris untuk Le Tellier, kemudian kepala perang kantor, dan melalui pengaruhnya adalah membuat seorang konselor pendiri raja dan diperkenalkan ke Mazarin di Paris, yang segera mempekerjakannya dalam urusan-urusan penting negara. Pada waktu kematiannya Mazarin direkomendasikan Colbert kepada raja, yang pada tahun 1665 mengangkatnya Comptroller Jenderal keuangan. Colbert ditemukan keuangan dalam kondisi yang menghancurkan dan segera masuk program yang rumit reformasi. Fouquet, Inspektur bangunan di bawah Mazarin, dinyatakan bersalah Kelola dan dipenjarakan untuk kehidupan. The Comptroller baru telah menetapkan sebuah Dewan keuangan dan chamber keadilan, untuk panggilan ke rekening petani pendapatan negara, yang dipaksa untuk menghasilkan sampai semua kekayaan mahkota yang mereka curang pernah kesurupan sendiri. Dalam 20 tahun pendapatan meningkat menjadi 116,000,000 buku, tujuan yang 23,000,000 dihabiskan dalam koleksi dan administrasi, sedangkan sebelum Colbert keuangan di tangan pendapatan berjumlah buku hanya 84,000,000, yang 52,000,000 yang diserap dalam koleksi. Colbert tidak beristirahat puas dengan menjadi seorang reformis keuangan, tetapi dalam berbagai cara mengembangkan kegiatan industri bangsa oleh dukungan negara. Ia diciptakan Menteri Kelautan pada tahun 1669, dan tak lama kemudian ia memperoleh pengendalian perdagangan, koloni-koloni, dan pengeluaran royal. Perancis perdagangan diperpanjang, dan jalan-jalan dan kanal, termasuk kanal besar Languedoc, dibangun. Beberapa fitur dari kebijakan ekonomi, seperti terlalu ketat peraturan perdagangan, tugas perlindungan, dan pemeliharaan sistem corporation, telah sering dikritik, tapi mereka bukan kesalahan usia daripada manusia. Ia diselenggarakan lagi koloni-koloni di Kanada, Martinique, dan Haiti, dan mendirikan Cayenne dan Madagaskar. Untuk mendorong perdagangan di Levant ia diberikan hak khusus untuk pedagang meniru skema East India Company, tetapi, karena nya tinggi pelindung tarif dan peraturan-peraturan yang kaku, kegagalan diikuti usahanya.Perhaps the most successful of all Colbert's reforms was the creation of a French navy. He found France in 1669 with a few old hulks and provided her in three years with a fleet of 60 ships of the line and 40 frigates. The mercantile marine was also developed, and bounties were given on ships built in France. Colbert revised the Civil Code, introduced a code of marine law, as well as the so-called Code Noir for the colonies. Statistical tables of the population were first made out by his orders. Men of learning and genius found in him a generous patron. The academies of inscriptions, science, and architecture were founded by him. In short, he appears as the promoter of industry, commerce, art, science, and literature—the founder of a new epoch in France. Notwithstanding his remarkable ingenuity, the unbounded extravagance of his master forced him to raise money in ways objectionable to his reason, and to maintain war taxes in time of peace. The last years of his life were a constant struggle to find money for Louis's ruinous wars, and he died Sept. 6, 1683, bitterly disappointed because his great services were but ill appreciated by the King, whose confidence in Colbert had been undermined by the favorite Louvois. The people of Paris, enraged at the oppressive taxes, would have torn his dead body to pieces but for the intervention of the military and his burial by night. He left large estates in France, and some of his offices descended to his sons, one of whom became Minister of Marine and another Superintendent of Buildings. A third was made Archbishop of Rouen. It is not the least of Colbert's merits that he saw the wisdom of Richelieu's tolerant course towards the Huguenots and restrained the King from that fatal policy of persecution which began with the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (q.v.) soon after the great Minister's death. Nevertheless, he ruled with an iron hand, and even to his friends he was known as the "man of marble." The coldness of his nature is well caught in the epithet of Madame de Sévigné, who styles him "The North." Among Colbert's posthumous papers were found Mémoires sur les affaires de France (c.1663), and a fragment, Particularités secrètes de la vie du Roy, which have been published several times.The New International Encyclopaedia, Vol. VI (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1920) 566.
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